Police Misconduct
Have your civil rights been violated? Are you a victim of police misconduct? Wrongful arrests and excessive force are forms of police brutality as well as unjustified police shootings.
At the Cochran Firm, we specialize in helping victims of police misconduct in Los Angeles. Our police misconduct lawyers represent victims whose constitutional rights have been violated, and no firm in California has more success in pursuing justice for victims of police misconduct and civil rights violations.
We can help you! Contact us here
Understanding Your Civil Rights
The civil rights granted by the United States Constitution come primarily from the following:
- The Fourth Amendment: Protects you against illegal searches and seizures and police brutality. We have been successful in handling these civil rights cases, as well as unlawful arrest and wrongful conviction cases, which often involve violations of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment’s “due process of law” clauses.
- The First Amendment: Guarantees freedom of speech and provides protection against retaliation. This is especially applicable to whistleblower cases—also known as a qui tam lawsuit.
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Prohibits federal and state governments and employers from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. This is often referenced in employment law cases.
Types of Police Misconduct/Civil Rights Violations
The Cochran Firm has a team of police misconduct attorneys who are committed to helping you secure damages for civil rights violations. We have expertise in litigating civil rights cases involving all forms of misconduct and fraud by police and prosecutors, including:
- Wrongful Convictions
- Police Shootings
- Police Brutality
- Unlawful Arrests
- Unlawful Searches and Seizures

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